“Scona is not just a school, it is a family of students and teachers…school becomes more like a home away from home.”

- Stefan (alumni)


“Scona brings out the best in it’s students and staff. It is so much more than a school, we are a community. At the end of your three years at Scona, you will want to do it all over again, so cherish every moment.”

- Lauren (alumni)

“It is everyday very clear to me the ongoing dedication of both students and teachers at Scona to help create an environment that is filled with tradition and excellence.”

— Paige (Grade 12)

“Scona is the place explore and push yourself with a support system guiding you the whole way!”

— Avery (alumni)

"I don't see Scona as a school, but a community. Every student and staff member looks out for each other in one way or another. It is an environment where you can always feel comfortable in being yourself and expressing who you are."

- Matthew (Grade 12)


"The students and staff are so inclusive, and encourage you to get out of your shell. Even with all the restrictions, you can clearly tell what the school's mission is: to create one big school community, and to serve others."

- Michael (Grade 11)

“The Scona spirit has always been one of the most exciting parts of the school. It is still kept alive through the students and staff despite the pandemic. This spirit continues to flourish as we adjust to these new times and come up with innovative ways to reflect our motto As One Who Serves.

- Zoë (Grade 12)


“I believe that “As One Who Serves” is this idea that each individual has their own role to play. A meaningful part in the big picture, one that matters. This quote means that all are working towards a common goal; for the greater good. If everyone “serves” in this way, it’ll create a mass impact. One person might not have the effect that hundreds of others do, but all together, we’re all stronger.”

Grade 10 Scona Student