Registration Information
We are excited that you are "Making the Move to High School". Check out this site for more information.
For the most up-to-date information on Registration Dates and Deadlines check out this site.
All students must pre-enroll for Strathcona - this process will open on February 3, 2025 (at 8:00 a.m.) and closes March 19, 2025 (at 4:00 p.m.)
All non-EPSB students can pre-enroll via the EPSB website beginning Feb. 3rd.
EPSB students will pre-enroll through School Zone via the parent account. During the pre-enrollment, parents must select Strathcona using the Next Year tab.
The closing date for pre-enrollment for all students is March 19, 2025 at 4:00 pm.
Students will make their course selections in one of three ways:
Strathcona will visit the following schools in early-April to support current Gr. 9 students with course selections: Allendale, Avalon, Dr. Margaret-Ann Armour, D.S. Mackenzie, Esther Starkman, Grandview, McKernan, Nellie Carlson, Ottewell, Riverbend and Vernon Barfod.
Students attending EPSB schools other than those listed above must visit Strathcona on either Monday, March 10th or Tuesday, March 11th between 3:45 PM- 5:00 PM
Students who are new to EPSB must visit Strathcona on either Wednesday, March 12th or Thursday, March 13th between 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
** Attendance at these sessions does not guarantee entrance to Strathcona.
This is pre-enrollment only**
Who can I direct registration related questions?
Please contact our Admin team:
Kelly.reierson@epsb.ca (A-G)
Natashya.shewchuk@epsb.ca (H-O)
Richard.mcadie@epsb.ca (P-Z)
How do I know if I am in the Strathcona attendance area. How do I know what is my designated school?
Go to the www.epsb.ca website and click on Find a School. Enter your address and it will provide you the school name(s).
What is a resident student?
A student who has at least one parent living in Edmonton who is also Non-Roman Catholic.
If I do not get into Strathcona, because I am unsuccessful in the random selection process, what do I do?
If you are a residence student, then you are guaranteed a spot in your attendance area school. You can also apply to any school that is not presently closed to out of attendance area students.
I applied to Old Scona Academy (Edmonton School Division) or Archbishop MacDonald (Catholic School Division). Can I still register at Strathcona High School as well?
No, however, both Old Scona and Archbishop MacDonald will let you know of your acceptance before the March 15, 2025 deadline. If you decide not to attend or are not accepted, you would then select the school you are interested in.
How do I register at Strathcona?
See the Edmonton Public School Website registration tab.
What is meant by attendance area?
This is the geographical area designated to a specific Division School.
** Living in the attendance area does not guarantee enrollment.
Who is guaranteed into Strathcona?
1 - Resident students in the attendance area
2 - Siblings of current students who are returning
3 - German and Spanish Bilingual students who are current students of the Division
Will Strathcona High School be going to a random selection process (for students not in the attendance area) this year?
We welcome and strongly encourage all interested students to apply to Strathcona for next year. While we have gone to random selection in the past we are excited to be accepting more students than in previous years. As such, we hope to avoid the random selection process or at least accept a high number of students.
Do marks make a difference when being accepted into a Strathcona?
No, all students are treated equally.
If I apply for Advance Placement am I guaranteed to get into Strathcona?
No, all students are treated equally.
When will I know if I got into Strathcona?
All students will be notified by April 11, 2025.